Monday, February 13, 2017

Assignment 10 Letter

Dear Abby,

           My name is Mr.G I am a teacher in the state of Louisiana. I have been given the perplexed task of teaching a prisoner how to "become a man."   The prisoner, we'll refer to him as Jay, has been convicted of robbery and murder in the first degree.  He has also been sentenced to death by execution.  Jay is uneducated and of a diminished mental capacity.  He was unfairly compared to as a "hog" during his trail and has thus taken on animal-like characteristics.  He refuses to speak and eats from the floor.  His loved ones want Jay to die with some kind of dignity.  That's why I was asked to work with him.  The problem that I have is that I have no clue on how to get Jay to communicate his feelings to me.  Furthermore, how do I get him to get this idea of him being a hog out of his mind?  If I can break down these barriers maybe I'll have a chance to teach Jay the basic principles of being a man before he dies.  Please answer soon. We are running out of time.

                                                                                  Signed, Teacher in need of a Lesson in Louisiana

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Assignment 9 A Lesson Before Dying Quotation

Chapter 4: Number :"Suppose  I was allowed to visit him, suppose I reached him and made him realize that he was as much a man as any other man; then what ? He's still going to die. The next day, the next week, the next month. So what will I have accomplished? What will I have done? Why not let the hog die without knowing anything? -- page 31

1. This quotation relates to the theme discrimination. This quote is saying even if he reached him, they still was going to kill no matter what he did there was no changing in what was going to happen to him.

2. This quotation relates to history when African Americans did not have the same rights of Caucasian people.

Assignment 9 A lesson Before Dying Chaperts 3-4 Study Guide Questions

Chapter 3

1.Henry insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirects the plots narrative because Henry believes that Jefferson is guilty because of his participation in the crime.

2. Grant was implying that she was not seeing him for who he was anymore but now looking at him for what she thinks he has done.

3. The backdoor of Henry Pichot's plantation symbolizes Grants goodbye when he was leaving for the university and thar he would never have to enter the servants entrance of the Pichot's again.

4. Miss Emma prevail on Henry Pichot to speak to the sheriff on her behalf by wanting someone else to take her position because she was African American and there was no way possible that she would be able to convince the sheriff.

Chapter 4

1. The description of Bayonnce echoes and expands on the public defenders summation in Jefferson's trail by comparing Jefferson to a hog and how they were going to slaughter as if he was one.

2. He feels compelled to flee and what keeps him there the urge to leave is his girlfriend Vivian and he has to teach Jefferson a lesson on how to become a man before he dies.