Monday, January 15, 2018

Analysis from Emily Dickinson's Poetry

1.  "Forever is composed of nows"
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Now is defined as at the present time or moment. So if "Forever is composed of nows," that implies that each individual's present times or moments combined with those of all the other individuals that pass through this world as a whole create a never ending continuum.

2. "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Life is a once in a lifetime event. Although life experiences are sometimes good or pleasurable, there are also moments of heartbreak and despair. Because life is only lived once, heartbreak and despair only has to be endured once.

3. "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: In life, we are frequently consumed with self worth and self preservation which in essence is a selfish existence. However, when we perform an act of kindness that will positively effect someone else's life, our lives then and only then have purpose.

4. "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Effective poetry is felt in the soul. If a series of words and thoughts can consume the soul to where it is devoid of all other thoughts, images, and feelings, then the author has done his or her job in composing a brilliant piece of work.

5. "This is my letter to the world
      That never wrote to me
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: The world is a large, busy place where people often go anonymous. The standouts are those who make their marks by doing something or creating something that will be remembered forever.

6. "Saying nothing sometimes says the most."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Words are routinely used to express our thoughts and feelings. Often times when we are aware that these words may hurt others or go against the status quo, we remain silent. Therefore, silence allows us a non verbal expression of our true feelings and thoughts.

7. "I dwell in possibility..."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: To "dwell in possibility" means to live a life of choices. When presented with these choices, we are able to shape and steer our lives in the direction that we individually choose; whether good or bad or right or wrong.

8. "Nature is haunted house-- but Art-- is a house that tries to be haunted."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Nature is full of mystery and adventures to be explored. Art tries to shadow itself in this same allure which, often times, leads to this same type of scrutinizing to unlock the mystery secretly hidden by the artist.

9. "Parting is all we know of Heaven,
and all we need of Hell."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: We all know that at some point in life, we will all die. Many automatically associate dying with leaving earth and going to Heaven. However, we know that a life lived in corruption can lead to another least desired place call Hell; a place that no one usually aspires to have as there final destination.

10. "I have bent and broken, but - I hope- into a better shape."
- Emily Dickinson
In our lifetimes we sometimes face not so pleasant events that have huge impact upon the very core of our being. How we handle these events is what shapes us into the individuals that we become; hopefully better and stronger.

11. "in this short life
 that only lasts ah hour
 how much- how little- is
 within our power."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Life passes at a fast clip. What we decide to do with ourselves in this brief time is totally up to each individual.

12. "Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon.
    - Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Fear is the demon that accompanies every unknown. So, whenever something new is attempted for the first time, there also must be a releasing of this apprehension.

13. "To shut your eyes is to travel."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: When we shut our eyes we free our minds from the reality of the world. A freed mind lets us explore the imagination that can encompass whatever we choose it to reconnoiter.

14. "open me carefully"
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Human beings are complex structures; made up of many layers. Each layer must be pulled back gently as to maintain the integrity or stability of the individual.   

15. "Till I loved I never liked enough."
- Emily Dickinson
Analysis: Like is defined as to find agreeable, enjoyable or satisfactory. Throughout life we constantly look for reasons to dislike different things around us. However, once we experience love which is an intense feeling of deep affection, our hearts and minds become open to new possibilities. This allows us to finally appreciate the things around us.