Saturday, August 20, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 2

     I consider myself to be a fairly decent writer.  I usually display some of my best work on  assignments that are due in a " days to weeks" time frame.  The papers that I write during these time frames generally flow well and have few to no grammatical errors.  I partly attribute this to the fact after I write them, I have the opportunity to check them then check them again and again before turning them in.  I run into major problems, however, when my writing assignments are of the timed variety.  By timed, I mean the writing assignment that are assigned and due during a single class period or the one's that are attached at the end of an exam.  When an assignment of this type is placed before me, I get nervous and void of all thoughts.  It literally takes me about five minutes to  come up with at least one word to write down on the paper.  Once I finally get to writing in these situations, my papers lack the flow and mechanics that I strive to achieve in all my writings.  Let me take a moment to explain what I believe is the cause of my deficiencies when it comes to timed writing assignments.  I will also lay out the plan of action that will be using to correct these deficiencies.
     First, after careful analysis of my problem, I was able to attribute my deficiencies to my " comfy zone" writing style.  I guess you are wondering what I mean by a "comfy zone" writing style?  Well, it is the method by, which I write my papers when I am at home.  My "comfy zone" consists of my comfy clothing, my comfy writing area which is usually my bed, my trusty thesaurus, and the spell check feature on my computer.  I guess I have grown so accustomed to these amenities that it has become difficult for me to write without using them.  When using my "comfy zone" style of writing, I am very relaxed and ready to write.  My thoughts are plentiful and my ideas flow like a river.  Also, in my "comfy zone," I can begin writing and if I am not satisfied with the product, I can tear it up and start all overt again.  Howbeit, at school, I am not so lucky.  There are no "comfy zones" in my classrooms.  Furthermore, I do not have the option of starting my paper over as many times as I would like.  If do not get it right the first time, I am pretty much "out of luck."
     So, I have devised a plan to fix my deficiencies I have to begin by thinking outside my "comfy zone."  I will start by writing at the table instead of my bed and not writing in my "comfy clothing."  I will either write while wearing my school uniform or some similar attire.  I have already begun using applications on my computer to increase my vocabulary and help with my spelling.  I will also try to stay on point with my first drafts and see them through.  Moreover, I am going to try to take the relaxation and ease that I felt in my "comfy zone" into my classroom and maybe my ideas will flow there as well.  I believe that if I can incorporate this plan into action, my timed writing deficiencies will be resolved or abated at the least. 

1 comment:

  1. This was really interesting to read! It seems to me that you greatly enjoy writing. It looks like you spent a lot of time writing this, so I presume that you genuinely want to get better. I enjoy writing as well, but I tend to procrastinate at times so I do my best work when I have only a short amount of time to work. I tend to get a bit too comfortable when I have a long time frame and have a hard time staying on task. I hope you are able to better pace yourself as the year goes on and I hope we both become better writers!
