Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 7

1. What do you think was happening to Kien when he was encountering soldiers from his platoon ?

2. Why do you believe Kien was beginning to feel like he had been born again?

3. On page 88, paragraph 2 why do you think Kien describes his memories in such way?

4. When the bodies were found why do you think the song was never sung again ?

5. What do you think was happening to the man in the plastic bag ?

6. How is the word "meritorious" defined on page 80 ?

7. After reading pages 80-100 describes Kien's feelings about the war ?

8. Have you  ever been attached to someone like Kien was to Quang?

9. From reading Kien's experience throughout war up to this point in the novel, do you think you would be able to handle it ? Why or why not?

10. How do you think it effected Kien to see his first commander whom he greatly admired die in front of him?


  1. Answer to #10: I believe Kien was greatly impacted emotional by this event. This is one of the events that Kien will never forget due to the connection of his first commander combined with the gory scene.

    1. I also believed this too because seeing a close one die in such a horrible way is very hard to take in.

  2. Answer to #2: He felt like he was being being born again because of the huge change writing brought upon him. Before he began to write, he was in a crushing despair, something he could never escape. Writing, however, gave him an outlet for his sadness. Writing lifted a burden he beared for much too long, basically making him reborn.

    1. Great Answer! I also believe this too because Kien was so sad before but now he seems to had a sudden change.

  3. #8 Yes I have been attached to someone like Kien was attached to Quang. We I was begged to let someone go I just couldn't. When Quang begged Kien to just kill him he refused and couldn't. I'm not saying a name though!
