Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blog Assignment #5

Quote 1: " I still had 344 miles to hike before I reached the Bridge of the Gods, but something made me feel as I'd arrived.  Like the blue water was telling me something I'd walked all this way to know."

1. Does the quotation relates to the theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate? 
The quotation relates to the theme of acceptance.  Acceptance is the last stage of the grief and loss process.  I believe at this point in the novel, Cheryl is finally beginning to accept the death her mother.  Even though it's been over 4 years since her mother passed away, Cheryl is only now putting her grief into perspective.  The calmness and beauty of the lake reflects the calmness and inner peace she is now experiencing.

3. Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character ?  If so, what way does it characterize ?
This quotation characterizes Cheryl.  The 334 miles represents the many issues that Cheryl still has to contend  with in her life.  However, I now believe she has reached a point that will allow her to positively overcome them.

Quote 2: "Her name was Barbara, but she'd gone by Bobbi, so that was the name I spoke. Saying Bobbi instead of Mom felt like a revelation, like it was the first time that I truly understood that she was my mother, but also more."

1. Does the quotation relates to the theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate? 
This quotation relates to the theme of reflection.  Cheryl has had a moment on the trail to revisit her life with her mother; the good and the bad.  She now feels that through it all her mother truly loved her and was more than just her mother but her everything.

3. Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character ?  If so, what way does it characterize ?
This quotation characterizes her mother.   In this chapter, Cheryl gives a detailed description of all the negative things that her mother had done during her life, such as smoking pot, leaving them home alone, and spanking them.  After reviewing all of the negatives, Cheryl was able to determine that the positive things that her mother had done such as showing them eternal love had truly out weighed the bad.  Furthermore, Cheryl realized that even with all of her flaws, Bobbi was not only her mother but a person that she truly admired.

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