Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 7

1. What do you think was happening to Kien when he was encountering soldiers from his platoon ?

2. Why do you believe Kien was beginning to feel like he had been born again?

3. On page 88, paragraph 2 why do you think Kien describes his memories in such way?

4. When the bodies were found why do you think the song was never sung again ?

5. What do you think was happening to the man in the plastic bag ?

6. How is the word "meritorious" defined on page 80 ?

7. After reading pages 80-100 describes Kien's feelings about the war ?

8. Have you  ever been attached to someone like Kien was to Quang?

9. From reading Kien's experience throughout war up to this point in the novel, do you think you would be able to handle it ? Why or why not?

10. How do you think it effected Kien to see his first commander whom he greatly admired die in front of him?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blog Assignment 6

1. I believe that some parents do pressure their children to achieve.  Many of them do this because they want their children to be able to succeed academically as well as financially in the future.

2. Some of the conflicts that parents and their children experience are perceived feelings of rejection and differences regarding chores, disciplinary actions and curfews.

3. People can be anything that they want to be if they put their minds to it and remain focused.

4. Not all conflicts have a clear winner because some conflicts are never resolved.

5. In my relationship with my parents, I am allowed to choose my future career where as in China, children are not given this option because career choices are made by their parents.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blog Assignment #5

Quote 1: " I still had 344 miles to hike before I reached the Bridge of the Gods, but something made me feel as I'd arrived.  Like the blue water was telling me something I'd walked all this way to know."

1. Does the quotation relates to the theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate? 
The quotation relates to the theme of acceptance.  Acceptance is the last stage of the grief and loss process.  I believe at this point in the novel, Cheryl is finally beginning to accept the death her mother.  Even though it's been over 4 years since her mother passed away, Cheryl is only now putting her grief into perspective.  The calmness and beauty of the lake reflects the calmness and inner peace she is now experiencing.

3. Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character ?  If so, what way does it characterize ?
This quotation characterizes Cheryl.  The 334 miles represents the many issues that Cheryl still has to contend  with in her life.  However, I now believe she has reached a point that will allow her to positively overcome them.

Quote 2: "Her name was Barbara, but she'd gone by Bobbi, so that was the name I spoke. Saying Bobbi instead of Mom felt like a revelation, like it was the first time that I truly understood that she was my mother, but also more."

1. Does the quotation relates to the theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate? 
This quotation relates to the theme of reflection.  Cheryl has had a moment on the trail to revisit her life with her mother; the good and the bad.  She now feels that through it all her mother truly loved her and was more than just her mother but her everything.

3. Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character ?  If so, what way does it characterize ?
This quotation characterizes her mother.   In this chapter, Cheryl gives a detailed description of all the negative things that her mother had done during her life, such as smoking pot, leaving them home alone, and spanking them.  After reviewing all of the negatives, Cheryl was able to determine that the positive things that her mother had done such as showing them eternal love had truly out weighed the bad.  Furthermore, Cheryl realized that even with all of her flaws, Bobbi was not only her mother but a person that she truly admired.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Blog Assignment 4

" Alone had always felt like an actual place to me, as if it weren't a state of being, but rather a room where I could retreat to be who I really was." Chapter 8 page 119

1. Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?

This quotation related to theme of aloneness.  After her mother is diagnosed with cancer, Cheryl begins to gradually isolate herself from her husband Paul.  This is brought full circle after her mother's death and after the deterioration of her family as she had known it.  After divorcing Paul and ten days before leaving Minneapolis, Paul tells Cheryl that she has finally got what she wanted; to be alone.  Aloneness would become a major theme throughout the novel with Cheryl trying to determine the root of her longing for isolation.  

2. Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

This quotation characterizes Cheryl. Cheryl first isolates herself from her husband.  She loves Paul but does not want to necessarily be married to him.  Next she isolates herself from the career that she had chosen; to become a writer.  Instead of writing a five page essay to complete her degree, Cheryl takes on waitressing jobs to earn a living.  Cheryl isolates herself from "real love."  She is not ashamed of telling of her meaningless sexual encounters with seemingly strange men.  Her greatest display of aloneness occurs, however, when she begins her journey on the PCT.  She starts the trail alone.  Although she meets a few people along the way, at this point in the novel, she is still literally by herself; alone. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 3

Objective Summary : The Big Snow is One to Remember
               This article vividly explains the treacherous terrain experienced by hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail during the summer of 2011.  The author tells of how a unseasonable snow event change the landscape for the thru-hikers that traveled through this section of the northwest.  Sixty feet of snow had fallen on the trail and it was not in any hurry to melt.  This caused some hikers to reconsider continuing but there were some that were very committed to their task.  It changed from a mere hike to a test of "endurance."  Those completing the hike were rewarded with new "experiences" and well taught "lessons."  Like the author stated the summer of 2011 stands as a season to remember on the PCT.

1 Fact I read in the article
  • Snow in the Sierra is one naked truth of a northbound thru-hike.
1 Interesting thing about the article
  • July 15 much of the trail covered in snow.
1 Question from the article
  • What type of weather system caused this late season snow? 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 2

     I consider myself to be a fairly decent writer.  I usually display some of my best work on  assignments that are due in a " days to weeks" time frame.  The papers that I write during these time frames generally flow well and have few to no grammatical errors.  I partly attribute this to the fact after I write them, I have the opportunity to check them then check them again and again before turning them in.  I run into major problems, however, when my writing assignments are of the timed variety.  By timed, I mean the writing assignment that are assigned and due during a single class period or the one's that are attached at the end of an exam.  When an assignment of this type is placed before me, I get nervous and void of all thoughts.  It literally takes me about five minutes to  come up with at least one word to write down on the paper.  Once I finally get to writing in these situations, my papers lack the flow and mechanics that I strive to achieve in all my writings.  Let me take a moment to explain what I believe is the cause of my deficiencies when it comes to timed writing assignments.  I will also lay out the plan of action that will be using to correct these deficiencies.
     First, after careful analysis of my problem, I was able to attribute my deficiencies to my " comfy zone" writing style.  I guess you are wondering what I mean by a "comfy zone" writing style?  Well, it is the method by, which I write my papers when I am at home.  My "comfy zone" consists of my comfy clothing, my comfy writing area which is usually my bed, my trusty thesaurus, and the spell check feature on my computer.  I guess I have grown so accustomed to these amenities that it has become difficult for me to write without using them.  When using my "comfy zone" style of writing, I am very relaxed and ready to write.  My thoughts are plentiful and my ideas flow like a river.  Also, in my "comfy zone," I can begin writing and if I am not satisfied with the product, I can tear it up and start all overt again.  Howbeit, at school, I am not so lucky.  There are no "comfy zones" in my classrooms.  Furthermore, I do not have the option of starting my paper over as many times as I would like.  If do not get it right the first time, I am pretty much "out of luck."
     So, I have devised a plan to fix my deficiencies I have to begin by thinking outside my "comfy zone."  I will start by writing at the table instead of my bed and not writing in my "comfy clothing."  I will either write while wearing my school uniform or some similar attire.  I have already begun using applications on my computer to increase my vocabulary and help with my spelling.  I will also try to stay on point with my first drafts and see them through.  Moreover, I am going to try to take the relaxation and ease that I felt in my "comfy zone" into my classroom and maybe my ideas will flow there as well.  I believe that if I can incorporate this plan into action, my timed writing deficiencies will be resolved or abated at the least. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Hello. My name is Kahlia King. I am a sixteen year old junior at B.C. Rain High School. I have many interests and hobbies. One of my favorite things to do, however, is working with the small kids at my community recreational center. My favorite hobby is experimenting with make up. My strongest subject in school is Math with English being a close second. My expectations for this school year are to learn as much as possible and to give 110 percent in all of my classes. I hope that everything we are taught will get me even closer to fulfilling my dream of becoming an Aerospace Engineer in the future. I hope we all have a wonderful school year filled with new and exciting experiences.